China Desk

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The Chinese presence in Brazil has strongly impacted the country's economic development. Bonds of friendship, investment or the participation of immigrant communities in Brazil explain this positive influence and demonstrate how the relationship between both countries is a concrete, lasting and sustainable reality.

Brazil has significant potential and offers excellent opportunities for Chinese investors, but its culture and the political and regulatory environment can make the partnership between the two countries very challenging. 

Our China Desk maintains a permanent contact with PwC China and is prepared to provide high-quality services, sharing knowledge and information that meet the specific needs of our clients. We offer advice both to Chinese companies with commercial interests in Brazil and to Brazilian companies that intend want to invest in China.

China desk imagem


Michela Chin

Michela Chin

China Desk, PwC Brasil

Kelly Luostarinen

Kelly Luostarinen

China Desk, PwC Brasil

Tel: +55 (11) 99643 2577

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